Shih Tzu is Brought Back to Life – Twice!
Teamwork, Expertise and State-of-the-Art Technology at AVCC Provides Advanced Emergency Care for Soco “Her odds of survival were not great,” recalls pet mom Lynn of her sweet dog Soco. The 13-year-old Shih Tzu Mix woke up one morning and was not breathing normally. ...
Local Teenager Saves Puppy’s Life
INSPIRED BY TRAGEDY, SAVE-FL WORKS TO AVOID EUTHANASIA IN PETS You can help by donating HERE "Too frequently there would be animals that would come in to the hospital that were savable,” says Ethan Rappaport, a teenage assistant working at a south Florida...
English Bulldog Puppy is Rushed to Advanced Veterinary Care Center
Minutes Matter in Saving Ricky’s Life “If I had waited even five more minutes to get Ricky to the hospital, he would have died,” recalls Nadia Abiroud, of her 10-month-old puppy. Nadia noticed something was very wrong, after she peeked in on the little...