The Team at AVCC Combines their Expertise with Advanced Technology to Save Riley

Riley, a super sweet bulldog
“If he was in any number of other hospitals, he wouldn’t have the same outcome,” exclaims Steve Romaniello of Ft. Lauderdale. Steve is referring to the level of care he received for his 4-year-old bulldog Riley at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie. After a critical respiratory crisis, Riley needed to be put on a mechanical ventilator at AVCC, one of just a few available in South Florida. “We didn’t know if he would make it through the night. There was about a 30% chance he would live,” adds Steve. “Thankfully AVCC is equipped with the most advanced veterinary technology and they gave him the best chance to live,” adds Steve.
How It All Started
Riley’s health scare started just a few days earlier, when Steve noticed a change in potty habits. “Riley was having trouble peeing,” says Steve. It was then discovered that Riley had both bladder and urethral stones and he was referred to Advanced Veterinary Care Center for specialized care. Upon examination at AVCC, it was noted that Riley was also breathing very heavy and loud. He was diagnosed with Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome. In addition to surgery to remove the stones, Riley also underwent upper airway surgery.

Riley uses the mechanical ventilator at AVCC
Riley did great under anesthesia and woke up without any issues. But, later in the evening, he went into respiratory distress, having developed pneumonia and was not passing air. The best chance of helping him pull through was to place him on the mechanical ventilator, under the care of Dr. Chris McLaughlin, AVCC’s board certified Director of Emergency and Critical Care. This advanced technology allows AVCC’s doctors and nurses to care for severe, complex respiratory cases that would not survive without aggressive intervention and support. Patients with severe congestive heart failure, pneumonia, neurological conditions compromising ventilation and any other severe respiratory disease may be candidates for mechanical ventilation.
“We weren’t sure if Riley would survive through the night,” says Steve. “Then, he made an amazing turnaround and responded so well to the ventilator,” he added. Riley was on the ventilator less than 24 hours before he was able to be moved from the ventilator and put into an oxygen chamber. Eventually, he was able to wean from the oxygen chamber and thrive on his own.
Riley Goes Home

Riley in the oxygen chamber at AVCC
After 8 days of hospitalization, Riley was ready to go home. “Advanced Veterinary Care Center gave Riley the best chance to live,” exclaims Steve. “They don’t give up. They were willing to do whatever it took, to save him. I was there everyday, multiple times a day and would see all the different cases come in. There was nothing that would ever catch the doctors or staff off guard. One dog came in, and was having a seizure. Everyone at AVCC is quick. And they know time is important when you need a solution. They are well experienced, well versed, well practiced to handle whatever comes through their doors.”
Today, Riley is back to his old self, a sweet boy who loves to play fetch and tug of war. And, Steve couldn’t be more grateful. “All the doctors and nurses had a part in making Riley well,” adds Steve. “They are all my heroes! And, Dr. McLaughlin has a special place in my heart.”

Riley, just being Riley!