September 23, 2024

AVCC’s Team of Doctors and Nurses Work Quickly to Save the Sweet 7-year-old Dog  “I thought he was going to die before we got there,” recalls Jim Jackson as he rushed his dog Dobie to Advanced Veterinary Care Center near Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Just moments before, Dobie, a tiny Yorkie-Papillon mix, was attacked by a

July 25, 2024

“She was drooling and her eyes were glazed over,” recalls Chris Tamber of his 14-month-old dog Meesha. Just a few days before, the sweet Miniature Pinscher puppy was swimming and playing in an area frequented by other dogs. “She loves the water and was having a blast,” says Chris. But later that day, “she had

June 24, 2024

24-Hour Emergency Team and Board-Certified Veterinary Specialists Work Together to Save Golden Retriever   “They totally saved my dog’s life 100%,” recalls Tammy Robinson of her experience with the 24-hour emergency and specialty team at Advanced Veterinary Care Center (AVCC). “Doctors and nurses rushed out and they saw her gums were pale, as she was

March 29, 2024

Pet Insurance is a Lifesaver for Luca and Siblings “I thought he was going to die,” recalls a teary-eyed Chrissy Wright. Her sweet Italian Greyhound Luca was not well. “He was having diarrhea which was not unusual, but then it was accompanied by vomiting with blood,” she added. Chrissy took Luca to a veterinarian, but

February 27, 2024

Nearly 1 in 4 Female Dogs is At Risk   “It was a very big emergency and life threatening,” recalls Dara Griner of her dog Daisy. A nearly 8-year-old Boxer, Daisy historically had a regular menstrual cycle. But recently, when her heat cycle lasted unusually long, Dara became concerned. “There was a lot of blood,

February 7, 2024

Doctors at Advanced Veterinary Care Center Work to Save Pac’s Life “I saw blood coming out of his chest area and we were about 60 miles from any town,” recalls Ben D. of his Labrador Pac. Ben and Pac were duck hunting in Arkansas when Pac ran into a sharp piece of metal. “He was

November 29, 2023

“I knew he was going into shock,” recalls Ed Ziao of his sweet Yorkie, Chewy. “I was running red lights and giving him CPR,” Ed explains as he rushed Chewy to Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie, FL. Just minutes before, Chewy was playing in his backyard, like any typical day. “But, he came hobbling

August 22, 2023

Louie’s dad Curtis McLean sensed something was amiss when he couldn’t see his four-month-old Merle French bulldog on the security camera. “This dog is my life. He goes everywhere with me,” Curtis explained about his shared bond with Louie. But, it was the pup’s bad habit of chewing bike tire spokes that got him into trouble

August 1, 2023

CT Scanning Now Available 7 Days a Week   In our pledge to continue to provide the highest standard of care to our veterinary patients, Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie has acquired a new state-of-the-art 32 slice CT scanner. “This will expand the quality of care that we provide in a few significant ways,”

July 17, 2023

“Oreo is such a good boy and he’s been through so much,” says Nesryn Escander of her sweet pup. Before meeting doctors at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie, FL, Ms. Escander noticed something was off with her Shih Tzu baby.“ He was just lethargic and wasn’t really eating his food,” she says.  He loves

May 22, 2023

Sammy, a nine-year-old, Golden Retriever seemed depressed, according to pet mom Rosita Sandoval. For a few months on and off, the sweet girl was limping and breathing heavy. Initial treatments with steroids had little effect. One day, after a sudden onset of lethargy, Ms. Sandoval brought Sammy to Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie (South

February 27, 2023

AVCC Doctors and Nurses Work in Collaboration to Save Albus   “There were genuinely times…where my husband and I went home and we didn’t think we would see him again,” recalls Kim Hauth of her dog Albus. Just before the holidays, Albus started a little cough.  “It was nothing major.  It was like a single

October 11, 2022

Teamwork, Expertise and State-of-the-Art Technology at AVCC Provides Advanced Emergency Care for Soco “Her odds of survival were not great,” recalls pet mom Lynn of her sweet dog Soco.  The 13-year-old Shih Tzu Mix  woke up one morning and was not breathing normally.  “It was like she couldn’t catch her breath and nothing seemed to

June 9, 2022

INSPIRED BY TRAGEDY, SAVE-FL WORKS TO AVOID EUTHANASIA IN PETS   You can help by donating HERE “Too frequently there would be animals that would come in to the hospital that were savable,” says Ethan Rappaport, a teenage assistant working at a south Florida emergency veterinary center during summer break.  But, often, pet owners could

June 4, 2022

Minutes Matter in Saving Ricky’s Life   “If I had waited even five more minutes to get Ricky to the hospital, he would have died,” recalls Nadia Abiroud, of her 10-month-old puppy.   Nadia noticed something was very wrong, after she peeked in on the little English Bulldog, using her home cameras while at work.  She

October 1, 2021

Insurance Allows Ouzo to Get the Emergency Care He Needs   “One night he came into the bed and I saw he was walking strangely,” recalls pet owner Terri Josephs. Her sweet cat Ouzo was licking his leg and side. “I know that’s not a good sign,” she added.“ When I patted him, he yelped.”

July 23, 2021

Sweet Pup Fights to Survive Multiple Emergencies “It’s a miracle she’s alive,” recalls Belinda Murray of her dog Yankee Doodle (or “Doodle” for short). The sweet Labradoodle had a loss of appetite and more, a few days leading up to what would become her first life or death battle. “She was lethargic,” adds William Murray.

May 25, 2021

Four Pet Parents Share Personal Stories of Saving Lives “Sometimes it’s a matter of life and death,” says pet owner Lorraine Gacitua, as she explains the difficult decision many pet owners make, when their pet requires specialized or emergency care and they can’t afford it. “I’ve read about people having to put their pet down,

May 3, 2021

Experts at Advanced Veterinary Care Center Help Skippy Make an Incredible Recovery   “It was horrible seeing him roll under the front wheels,” recalls pet owner Jan Heinrich. Her 6-year-old retriever mix, Skippy, had been hit by a car in front of her house. “I knew I had to get him to a veterinarian. When

March 29, 2021

Candy Defies the Odds at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie “It really was a miracle. They saved her life,” said pet mom Lucy Rodriquez, after her dog Candy survived two emergency surgeries at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie (Broward County). “Something was off,” Lucy explains when she first noticed Candy was not feeling

January 6, 2021

Specialists at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie Collaborate to Save Tiki   “She was not eating the hard food on her plate, for like 3 days or so,” says pet owner Glenda Hannan, of her sweet 12-year-old mini schnauzer Tiki. “Then, my daughter noticed a black mass on her gum.” Glenda took Tiki to

September 21, 2020

Learn How the Quick Action of Two Pet Parents Saved Their Sweet Golden Retriever “He had lost his vision and complete movement in his body. His brain was swollen and his internal temperature was high,” recalls Denisse and Marcus of their golden retriever Buddy, after they rushed him to Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie

August 25, 2020

Chemotherapy is a very important treatment modality used for many types of cancers in dogs and cats. It has been applied in different ways including as sole treatment for certain systemic cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia with the goal of achieving remission. Chemotherapy has also been used in combination with other treatments: –to shrink

July 29, 2020

, Canine lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in dogs. It is a cancer of a type of immune system cell (lymphocyte) and lymphoid tissues present in the body.  This includes the lymph nodes, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, thymus and bone marrow.  However, they may arise in almost any tissue in the body. The

Will chemotherapy make my pet sick? Chemotherapy is very well tolerated in most dogs and cats. Most patients experience no side effects.  Around 15% will have mild side effects that will last for a few days and many will improve on their own. About 5% of patients can experience more moderate side effects and less

Cancer is a complex disease! Genetics, environment, nutrition, hormone and viral exposure play a role in different degrees. No one knows exactly why some pets get cancer, while others do not. However, there are preventative steps we can take to minimize the risk of developing cancer in our pets. Here are 7 ways you can

Cancer is the leading cause of death in pets beyond middle age. Below are top 11 warning signs of cancer in companion animals. If you notice any of these signs in your pet, please consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. 1. Abnormal swellings (lumps or bumps) It is important to check your pet’s body

July 21, 2020

The Cancer Center at AVCC in Davie Helps One Family With Their Critically Ill Dog   “He had a fever.  It was bad. He was dying,” says Julio Sautie. It was Super Bowl Sunday 2020 when Julio noticed his sweet Labrador wasn’t feeling well. His dog, Blacky, wasn’t eating. The nine-year-old pup had lost weight

June 5, 2020

The Cancer Center at AVCC in Davie Helps One Family Get Through a Tough Diagnosis Dixie, a gorgeous 10-year-old Border Collie was suddenly not well. She was urinating a lot more than usual and straining during the process. “She was really uncomfortable,” says Dixie’s mom Allie. “We took her to our local veterinarian and thought

April 9, 2020

24/7 Specialty and Emergency Veterinary Practice Works to Combat Coronavirus Both Inside and Outside the Hospital This week, Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie donated our in-hospital mechanical ventilator to the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL. “Every day we learn more and more of the devastation caused by Coronavirus,” says Dr. Jon Rappaport, Co-Medical Director

March 26, 2020

Kelly the Maltese Undergoes Chemotherapy at The Cancer Center at AVCC in Davie “One morning, he got up, ran to me and fell over on his side,” recalls pet owner Susie Mirrer. “Within a few minutes, he was a shaky.” Susie’s dog, Kelly, a sweet Maltese rescue, was suddenly and clearly not well.  After a

March 20, 2020

We hope you and your family are healthy and safe during these very concerning times. As providers of essential services, we want you to know that AVCC remains committed to providing specialty and referral veterinary services including emergency care for your pets. Most importantly, we remain open for care 24 hours a day, 7 days

March 10, 2020

Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie is excited to now offer minimally invasive surgery! Arthroscopy, laparoscopy and thoracoscopy have become the gold standard of care for diagnosing and treating a variety of diseases. These techniques provide the surgeon with a magnified and illuminated view that can improve our ability to detect subtle abnormalities in our

January 24, 2020

Minutes Matter in Riley’s Rush to Advanced Veterinary Care Center! “He was moments from passing away,” recalls Mary Moreno. Mary had gotten a call that her granddog Riley, a sweet Siberian Husky, wasn’t acting right. “My son’s girlfriend was working from home.  She noticed Riley rubbing on her leg and then he would disappear,” says

November 26, 2019

Tips to avoid the E.R. from the experts at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie As you get together with loved ones this season and prepare your home for a jolly holiday, keep these pet safety tips in mind. It could prevent a less than merry visit to the emergency room! Chestnuts Roasting on an

October 22, 2019

Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie is pleased to now offer full-time board certified veterinary oncology.  Our comprehensive cancer service will be led by Sindy Piscoya, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology). “Although our community is already blessed with a number of capable veterinary oncologists, the need for prompt oncology services still exceeds the availability, especially in the

October 10, 2019

7 Things to Know Right Now About Leptospirosis in South Florida “He came up to me and I noticed he was yellow. His eyeballs were yellow. His entire body was yellow,” recalls pet owner Steve Norrito. That’s when Steve knew for sure, something was very wrong with his dog Max. In the days prior, the

October 1, 2019

Advanced Veterinary Care Center is thrilled to welcome Barry Brower, DVM, DACVS-SA to our surgical team. Dr. Brower joins AVCC’s Director of Surgery, Dr. Shiara Arulpragasm in offering a complete array of specialized surgical services. “Dr. Brower brings a breadth of surgical experience to our community,” says AVCC Co-Medical Director Dr. Jeff Toll. “In addition

September 13, 2019

Tyson Was “Dying By the Minute” When He Came To Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie “He was in a hunched position, groaning, gagging and panting pretty heavy,” recalls pet dad Brian Schafler. It soon became clear that Brian’s dog Tyson, a 9-year-old lab, was having an emergency. “We let him outside and he walked

July 26, 2019

Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie Works Quickly to Save an Unconscious Pup “He was literally dying on the way to the hospital,” recalls Nina as she rushed her 6-year-old dog Koda to Advanced Veterinary Care Center (AVCC) in Davie. “He was making these awful sounds that I’d never heard and as soon as we

June 12, 2019

Snake bite season is in full swing in South Florida. From April through October, Advanced Veterinary Care Center (AVCC) in Davie, a 24-hour emergency and specialty veterinary hospital sees an increase in snake bite emergencies. This is when venomous snakes become more active. Dr. Chris McLaughlin, board certified emergency and critical care specialist and Director

April 16, 2019

The Team at AVCC Combines their Expertise with Advanced Technology to Save Riley “If he was in any number of other hospitals, he wouldn’t have the same outcome,” exclaims Steve Romaniello of Ft. Lauderdale. Steve is referring to the level of care he received for his 4-year-old bulldog Riley at Advanced Veterinary Care Center in

April 2, 2019

What One Pet Mom Learned in the Race to Save Her Sweet Pup “Doctors said if I would have waited even 5 more minutes to bring him to the hospital, he would have died,” says Sandra, mom to Besos, a 7-year-old Shih Tzu mix. And, while Sandra’s afternoon was spent rushing to save her critically

February 19, 2019

Pythium Diagnosis Brings Concern for Some South Florida Pet Owners “Her entire colon, lymph nodes and intestine were infected,” recalls Violeta Stamatovska sadly. Her sweet six-year-old husky Mika had been through the battle for her life. It all began when Violeta noticed Mika’s potty habits had changed. “There was diarrhea, then bloody diarrhea, then just

January 17, 2019

Dedicated Pet Parents Bring Sophie to Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie! When John Colombo and Melissa Seldin excitedly brought home a new 2-month-old puppy, they had no idea her little body was extremely sick. It turns out Sophie, their sweet Wheaten Terrier was about to undergo a fight for her life. “Our third day

December 21, 2018

Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie Gives Holiday Hope to Squirty and Meep! When Cathy Conrad of Coconut Creek noticed her three-year-old cat Squirty was not acting right at home, she took him to her primary care veterinarian. X-rays suggested a potentially fatal infection in his abdomen. Cathy was advised to bring Squirty right away

November 9, 2018

Advanced Veterinary Care Center’s Dedicated Team Saves Bella! “I know in my gut she would have never survived if I had taken her anywhere else,” exclaims Dr. Diana Drogan, a relief veterinarian in South Florida. Dr. Drogan brought her sweet 13-year-old yellow lab Bella to Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie after the pup had

October 29, 2018

Keep your furry loves safe this Halloween with these tips from Advanced Veterinary Care Center in Davie! The emergency veterinarians at Advanced Veterinary Care Center (AVCC) in Davie are urging pet owners to keep their four-legged friends away from chocolate this Halloween. “Chocolate toxicity is a very common veterinary emergency,” according to Dr. Jon Rappaport,

October 23, 2018

Maggie Jayne Gets a Much Needed “Win” at Advanced Veterinary Care Center! It has been a few months unlike any other for Ray King of Pembroke Pines. His mother recently passed away of congestive heart failure. Then, just weeks later, her beloved Chihuahua Pebbles who came into Ray’s care also suffered congestive heart failure and