Heatstroke Leads to Near Fatal 109° Fever For Golden Retriever

Heatstroke Leads to Near Fatal 109° Fever For Golden Retriever

Chester Fights for Life at Advanced Veterinary Care Center “There was a very high chance he was not going to make it,” recalls Andrea Bravo Mathwich of her sweet dog Chester. The 3-year-old Golden Retriever had collapsed during an evening walk in September in South...

Common Parasite Leads to Seizure For A Mini Golden Doodle

Common Parasite Leads to Seizure For A Mini Golden Doodle

Advanced Veterinary Care Center's 24-Hour Emergency Team Saves "Astro"   “I was on my way to work one day, when I noticed he was acting strange,” recalls Kristine Navarro of her 4-month-old puppy Astro. “Usually, he would be running around or playing. But, he did...